​​​ Vermilion County Farm Bureau
  Serving Vermilion County Agriculture Since 1918

Your donation to the Foundation will help us continue this important work. You can mail a donation to:

Vermilion County Farm Bureau Foundation

1905-C U.S. Route 150

Danville IL  61832


From supporting our Ag in the Classroom program to administering the Andrews-Brummert Scholarship, we continue to help educate Vermilion County about the importance of our agriculture industry.

Sowing the seeds of agricultural education today for tomorrow

The Vermilion County Farm Bureau Foundation mission is to promote Vermilion County agriculture through education in our schools and communities.

Vermilion County Farm Bureau Foundation
Board of Trustees

Mark Willard
Dean Grimes
Mark Steinbaugh

Cole Acton

Jerry Askren

Kelli Lyons
Brian Neville